Guy Verhofstadt

So Brexit is a ‘waste of time’ according to Guy Verhofstadt. He demands – demands mind you – that Britain must pay for leaving the EU. Who the hell does does this gappy toothed Ken Dodd lookalike think he is?

Well, apparently, he’s the former Prime Minister of Belgium. Belgium FFS! I mean, really? Belgium?

Just watch this video because it tells you all you really need to know about Belgium, the Third Reich’s fast track route to France and now it seems the Fourth Reich’s fast track route to Britain.

Belgium. I mean, who cares?..

4 responses to “Guy Verhofstadt

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the video: many thanks for a good laugh.

  2. According to the Lisbon treaty there is no exit fee payable. The grasping bar stewards want to safeguard their budgets and not see an immediate 12% shortfall. This so called divorce bill will never be big enough. I really wish, for all the wrong reasons, that DD tells Barnier to shove it and we walk away and pay nothing.

  3. And Guy Verhofstadt is a ‘waste of time’ according to me.

  4. mikesplaceweb

    I included the Latin in this post just for you Mr Dioclese.

    In Defence Of Classical History