Election ’24 – Day 4

To be fair it is a Bank Holiday weekend so you have to expect the main contenders to take some time out from harrassing the public canvassing for votes. After all, the poor darlings do work so terribly hard and must be exhausted from all that hand shaking and baby kissing.

What we’ve seen so far in this campaign is that the two main contenders are both rather unpopular with the electorate. As Suella Braverman so succinnctly put it after the local elections “The electorate is on strike”

My eye was caught today with the latest YouGov soundings that I’ve posted above. This shows conclusively that the electorate’s view of Rishi Sunak is that he is incompetent, indecisive, untrustworthy, weak and unlikeable. 

Contrast this with Keir Starmer. The electorate think that he is incompetent, indecisive, untrustworthy, weak and unlikeable. Oh dear.

Never mind. It would seem that whoever occupies number ten later this year will be incompetent, indecisive, untrustworthy, weak and unlikeable.

Oh, and did I mention that they are both incompetent, indecisive, untrustworthy, weak and unlikeable?

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