Election ’24 Day 3

If there’s one thing certain about politicians it’s that when the going gets tough, they get going…

Seems that there’s a hell of a lot of Tory members bailing out before they get kicked out but at least rats deserting a sinking ship is more palatable than turncoats crossing the floor of the commons. That leaves the Tories with 80+ constituencies with no candidate in place. Apparently they are giving themselves 48 hours for nominations to be put forward so that they can register their selected candidate by next Friday’s deadline.

On the plus front, I am delighted to see that my own local MP, Jo Churchill, is one of the rats. My personal experience of her leaves much to be desired. I live in one of the safest Tory seats and once said that if they put a blue rosette on a monkey in this seat it would get a 10,000 majority. A pal of mine responded “Well they did, didn’t they?”. Hmmm…you may very well think that. I couldn’t possibly comment.

I confess here to be an ex member of the Conservative Party. I attended my first local party AGM shortly after Brexit and asked Ms. Churchill if, as a party whip at the time, she could give me just a couple of examples of why we were gifting the EU several billions as a golden goodbye. She waffled so I pressed the point. She waffled some more.

Quite reasonably in my view I asked “If you are member of the whip’s office how can you enforce a policy that you can’t explain?” Much muttering from the old codgers around me ensued. “Appalling” “Disrespectful” “Why don’t you leave?” 

Having made my point I felt there was little to be gained, so I left. And let my membership lapse.

You’ll forgive me therefore if I fail to shed a tear about Ms. Churchill’s departure as our MP. The problem is that we have no idea who will replace her.

Perhaps they’re looking for a monkey? I think we should be told…

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