Happy New fuckin’ Year

Yes, it’s another bloody New Year.

As usual. we managed to avoid all the hype and bullshit by going to bed at 9 o’clock. After all, there was fuck all to watch on the TV apart from Jools bloody Holland’s annual tripefest that was recorded in October. I had great hopes for last year as he had Wilco Johnson on and was taking bets on whether he’d still be alive by the time it was broadcast. I was torn between wanting him to do well and watching the frantic recut of the programme…

So – New Year, new me? Well, what do you think? I gave up resolutions years ago when I realised that when you’re perfect then you don’t need to improve. So I’m not stopping drinking, swearing or spitting and I’m not joining a gym. It’s a waste of time as it will all be forgotten by February.

To me the New Year is just the same old shit with a different number and I fail to see why this one should be any different.

You might think I’m being a miserable old bastard, but I call it realism. Once you realise shit will happen regardless, at least you can stop worrying about it…

53 responses to “Happy New fuckin’ Year

  1. Totally agree and endorse

  2. Whats with fireworks still going off at 1.30am?…..how come these festive fun mongers waste so much money on fireworks and wait so long to let them off?

    Anyway Happy New Year to all my readers…lol.

    Nice to see Dick Puddlecote spend so much time on his hate and anger filled review of 2015….this shite he spews from his bedroom in hiding takes umpteen hours each week for several years now and is and has been completely useless to anyone or anything.

    Keep going Dick…..its all vaping now aint it?, what happened with all the smoking conspiracy and lies mularky you have been banging on about for fuck knows how long ?…..I know let's forget all about it…..there aint no interest in it anywhere..hardly any bloggers left is there?

    Vaping its all going the same way….and you know it but you can't stop yourself.


  3. I refused to attend the close fireworks that I didn't even know was planned. When they were going off I went out and shouted at my neighbours for being morons and terrifying a couple of my dogs and our cat. To say I was furious would be an understatement. Fireworks at new year, just like having this holiday in winter is bloody stupid.

  4. I agree with you wholeheartedly, we retired to bed at 9pm and then were awoken at 10, 11, 12, 1 and 2 respectively by what I can only describe as a re enactment of the Napoleonic wars going on around us. As if fucking bonfire night wasn't enough! There is a large Polish contingent around where we live plus a local firework factory and the Poles seem to love a bloody firework on New years. Bastards immigrants.

  5. I thought I was in the fucking trenches…

  6. “…….To me the New Year is just the same old shit with a different number and I fail to see why this one should be any different……”

    It is different!
    This is a leap year one, that's what's different. And from your always effervescent and cheerful perspective, you've now an extra day of the same old shite up with which to put..

  7. What I love about leap years is pointing out to the permies that because they get an annual salary, they work and extra day for free…

  8. Now for a cunt like me, who ALWAYS sees the silver lining of every situation, I would retort with, 'Or conversely, we permies work one less day for three out of every four years for the same salary!'

  9. What a bunch of miserable fucking puritans.. I think Rickie's got to you all with his anti smoking bollocks.. I got totally rat arsed and woke this morning half naked on a park bench, with a big pole sticking out of my head. It had a park keeper on the other end and some cunt had been sick all over me..

  10. Personally I couldn't give a rats arse about smoking. If he wants to rant on about it, that's up to him. If he bores people with it, that's his problem.

  11. If he bores people with it, that's his problem.

    Which he does. Interminably. No one is remotely interested in his fantasies.

    What a bunch of miserable fucking puritans..

    As I've said before, not everyone likes organised fun. Some of us are capable of enjoying ourselves without being expected to on a set day in a set manner. Fireworks are just noisy and anti-social.

  12. My earlier post was a joke, which seems to have gone over all your heads. The bit about the park bench was originally done by Rick Mayall as Kevin Turvey in Kick up the 80's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Turvey).

    We did have fireworks from my property, for my next door neighbour. He had nowhere to run the display from on his property. He is dying with a brain tumour, the doctors gave him 9 months in September and this will likely be his last Christmas/New Year, so we all wanted to make it a good one for him. So its fortunate that we don't have anyone like Dr Evil nearby, he would have gotten short shrift from us.

  13. Thanks Dioclese for once again showing what freedom of speech really is and how it causes no problems whatsoever.

    Unfortunately there are many wankers who spout on about freedoms and freedom of speech and then provide a platform for that to happen and go fucking beserk when they read something they don't like. In my case its been awkward questions and the truth on smoking issues and the reluctance for blog hosts to debate.

    The likes of Dick Puddlecote/Simon Clark and many others who have shut down their blogs on smoking will not face me on fair terms…their usual game is one question from me they reply and have the last word and will not allow anymore posts from me.

    If these cunts can't cope with “Rickie” and his views then what chance have the online pro smoke lobbying have of any success in the real world?…well the facts have been total failure for 7 years from the pro smoke lobby.

    The BBC /Debs Arnot give Simon Clark a very easy ride indeed and he still appears a piss poor mumbling weak fool……the problem with smoking restrictions are, if ASH try and impliment something unpopular with smokers and at the same time completely destroy and humiliate Simon Clark live on the BBC they risk a backlash from the general public, cos folk don't like a perceived bully no matter how much the issue is a no brainer.

    ASH pussyfoot/tiptoe around Simon Clark…a harmless weak ineffective spokesman for smokers suits them I suppose. There could be an effective pro smoke lobby from 12 million smokers who have real issues that are important and would win support easily from the general public…these never get a mention and get lost in the fucking fiasco that has always been the pro smoke lobby.

    Rant over.

    Please remember that this post may be boring and you disagree with me…that's what you get from real freedom of speech blogs….I can point you to several blogs that have 99.9% total agreement without a hint of opposing the blog hosts views and of course a bastardised version of freedom of speech.


  14. Anonymous @ 2 January 2016 at 12:01?
    And this latter post is a joke too?
    I am so embarrassed your first joke (Anonymous @ 2 January 2016 at 03:10) went 'zoom 747' over my pretty little head. I am not going to make the same mistake twice.

  15. No SR, the latter post is true.

  16. I believe in free speech too Rickie, and yes your posts are boring, full of shit and I disagree with 99.9% of what spews out of your twisted little mind.

    But you have equal right to spout your garbage as I have to spout mine. The fact I think its boring shite doesn't enter into the equation. If I don't like/disagree with what you say I simply don't bother to read past the first few words, unless what you say is directed specifically toward me.

    However, that being said, those blogs that denied you an audience, at the time were blogs that you were maliciously trying to damage/shut down because they took unkindly to you stamping your feet. Don't try to deny it, I was there lurking in the background while it unfolded. Long Rider can also testify to this.

    We all believe in freedom of speech and thought but you can't expect any other treatment when acting as you did, so if I were you I'd STFU with the 'freedom of speech' rants.

  17. Yes, I remember. It took a word in his ISP's shell-like to stop it. Freedom of speech does not mean the right to a platform. Never has, never will. The owner of the website – or even the service provider can set whatever restrictions they choose. It has nothing whatsoever to do with freedom of speech because there is no right to freedom of speech on other peoples' property. No one is obliged to provide a platform for obsessive idiots to spout their conspiracy theories.

  18. That's fine. My wider point about organised fun stands, though. The best fun is spontaneous.

  19. Odd really aint it that you speak for “everyone” about Freedom of Speech “Anon”….lol.

    Perhaps you should speak to Nothing2declare/Taking liberies/Its all bollocks the moose twat who all allowed one post and then censored and stop the debate…just in the last 12 months…all of course freedoms mongers

    I can fool blog hosts with a harmless question sometimes but as soon as my follow-up views seem anti smoking they censor…except for Puddlecote, his yes men only /no nonsense about debate whatsoever is solid.

    Blogs have not been closed down by me or attempted, the facts are that you only have to scratch the surface of “pro smoking” and the whole lobbying mularky collapses, that's why nobody will debate on issues.

    That's why no-one will answer any of my views on here…and smoking blogs keep closing down..the argument has been lost.

    Frank Davis is probably the only pro smoker who will unleash his cult attack guard dogs and have a debate…trouble is those loons reckon smoking is good for you and it all gets a bit daft when apparently nobody ever died of smoking….I give up on them and just read only and enjoy.

    Those nutters are serious, passers by to Franks blog could easily by sucked in and end up thinking its all true, its the Internet equivalent to quicksand….he is a great blogger with a sizeable cult following…Simon Clark daren't mention a word of it.

    Cult Pro smokers aint boring.

    I love it…sorry if I bore you


  20. @Longrider..blogs that spout about Libertarian freedom loving and complain about freedoms being removed and their lofty holier–than–thou principles about freedom of speech/freedoms and then provide a platform for freedom of speech with no restrictions indicated or requested should allow comments that they don't agree with on such topics like smoking which everyone has an opinion and many with very strong opinions.

    Censoring such comments is not freedom speech its bastardising it on piss poor naive ideas such as “private property”

    Dioclese proves how opinion can be different challenged and opposed without hissy fits…I don't agree with him on many issues, i can live with it and he seems adult enough to live with mine.

    Pro smokers might not have an argument or the bollocks to debate issues …that's not my problem and it's not a good enough reason for silly censoring and abusing freedom of speech on fucked up nonsense like blogs being the same as someone being in the dining room at your house.

    Freedom of speech over opinions about smoking on blogs which ask you for an opinion and provide a platform for comments which are just that should be as simple as it gets.

    If it aint happening then blog owners are hiding and censoring and we all know why


  21. “Odd really aint it that you speak for “everyone” about Freedom of Speech “Anon”….lol.”

    I don't speak for everyone, merely stating what I see. That is, all the bloggers I know of do believe in free speech. What they don't believe in, is cunts like you getting nasty when your rubbish fails to convert their commenters.

    “Blogs have not been closed down by me or attempted”

    Oh do fuck off. I was there and saw it all unfold. Two to spring to mind immediately are Long Rider and Ranty, and you almost managed it with that one. Just recently you've also started trolling the Filthy Engineer's blog too, and that's only because you know he's a smoker and believes in free speech, so doesn't moderate comments and is an easy target. I would love to see you try with Dick Puddlecote.

    The truth is Rickie – do you mind me calling you Rickie? Or shall I use your better known handle, Dickie Doubleday – you popped up on these blogs as a troll, nothing more nothing less. Then when people took issue with you, you spat out your dummy and turned malicious. Real lover of free speech you are, but only as long as the speech agrees with you and the anti smoking bollocks that you like to spout. What a fucking hipocryte you are.

  22. Filthy Engineer allows freedom of speech…I can't remember him censoring me..when did I last post?…6 months ago perhaps for fucks sake…have you seen his blog its all copy and paste videos and posters for crying out loud…its not about smoking, he his just another muppett looking for blog rolling mates by shoving a few adverts up.

    Puddlecote won't allow comments not now not ever from me….you know Libertrian Dick and his outrage at freedoms being lost.

    The proof is blogs can allow anti smoking views from me or they don't.

    I have opnions….I sometimes show my deleted posts on here as proof of no trolling but harmless comments being censored.

    Fucking hypocrites and I can prove it and have done…you aint got a clue, where the fuck did you pop up from?.

    clueless cunt.


  23. “Filthy Engineer allows freedom of speech…I can't remember him censoring me”

    That's what I said you ignorant prick. He doesn't censor you, he ignores you just like the majority of other people on this planet. And what is on his blog is no concern of yours. Its his blog not yours so he can put on it what he likes. That hasn't stopped you from trolling it, which can be seen by anyone who visits the blog and goes back through the archives.

    “Puddlecote won't allow comments not now not ever from me”

    That's because he doesn't want his comments section filling up with utter senseless shite.

    “The proof is blogs can allow anti smoking views from me or they don't.”

    I've seen many anti smoking advocates comment on these blogs and have sensible discussions. Something that you are incapable of doing. Then when they ask you to say something that makes sense or come back with a valid counter argument you throw a hissy fit and get all pissy, saying that they are denying you the right to free speech. But then you don't comment on blogs to put anything forward, you are just there to troll. And they know that.

    “I sometimes show my deleted posts on here as proof of no trolling”

    Well, I've not seen that. But if you do I'll warrant that they are heavily edited, because you think that everybody is as thick as you are.

    “Fucking hypocrites and I can prove it and have done”

    No – YOU are the hypocrite, I can prove it and have just done.

    “clueless cunt.”

    Thanks. I will wear that as a badge of honour. Proof that I've managed to troll the troll. And remember, a cunt like me makes pricks like you stand to attention.

  24. M. Stirring the pot, again. Don't you get bored? Or is that the problem? I get bored.

  25. No, they delete you because of your behaviour. As is their right. It is not an infringement of free speech. Dioclese just lets you rant. That's up to him. I wouldn't tolerate long off-topic screeds. You'd be getting reminded sharply that if you want to do this, set up your own blog, don't hijack mine.

  26. Quite so. Pat Nurse gave up as a direct consequence of his behaviour. I fought back. There was a brief attempt following this – he posted my name and details of one of my clients on a number of blogs in an attempt to out me. The only possible reason for doing this would be to lose me my job, so, definitely malicious. As it was, the client was one of several and they not only knew all about Rickie/Dickie, they were waiting for his call. The bloggers who found this in their comments deleted them. Or as Rickie would havee it, censored him…

    You are, of course, wasting your time. He is so dense, he could bend light.

  27. Now you are trolling me Longrider!!….for fucks sake I requested you stop these remarks about me being somebody else sometime ago.

    Trolling me will not “shut me up”……I will continue to show “censoring” from Libertarians that have an anything goes policy of personal attacks on whoever they choose but won't allow “harmless comments/awkward questions from me.

    I will expose these cunts….I have done several times and I will continue.

    You mention Pat Nurse…well to honest her trademark is ignorance and hard of thinking remarks…I can't really see anyone else being so dumb and way off the mark…is she “Anon”.

    Happy new year…have the last word , i'm busy today….just make it all up and guess or make just fucking lie or speak for whoever you choose.

    Rickie aint going anywhere but exposing frauds.


  28. I requested you stop these remarks about me being somebody else sometime ago.

    Ah, diddums, poor wickle wickie/Dickie Doubleday doesn't like it when he is exposed for the nasty little shit that he is. You don't get to tell me to do anything. You have no authority. And I will continue to point out your hypocrisy and behaviour whenever it suits me and you will just have to suck it up.

    It's all fine and dandy when Rickie/Dickie Doubleday is playing is nasty little games but when someone fights back he throws a hissy fit.Typical bullying behaviour.

    I will expose these cunts….I have done several times and I will continue.

    The only exposing being done is those who point out your behaviour. You haven't exposed anything beyond your own stupidity, ignorance and hypocrisy. You are a legend in your own cesspit of an imagination. You are nothing more than nasty, malicious little troll who tries to shut down anyone who dares to say something you dislike.

    You really are a vile, ignorant little cunt.

  29. Longrider I have requested you stop making these accusations ever so nicely for sometime now.

    That's not worked has it.

    I will find out who your employer is and I will contact them and simply inform them of your blog.

    I am reluctant to do this but i will not beg you anymore to stop accusations.

    Its your doing cunt.


  30. Ah, yes, the last resort of the bully when someone dares to stand up to them.

  31. Well, that's all been very entertaining. Fuck all to do with the subject of the post, but entertaining nevertheless…

    TLDNR. “Brevity is the soul of wit”

  32. “Longrider I have requested you stop making these accusations ever so nicely for sometime now.”

    Thing is, they're not accusations, Longrider merely tells the truth. Everybody and his dog knows who you are and I will see to it that everyone continues to know, at every opportunity.

    Not nice is it, having a taste of your own medicine?

    “I will find out who your employer is and I will contact them and simply inform them of your blog.”

    And what do you think they will find, apart from someone who expresses his views? You have nothing except empty threats. Longrider's blog is out there for the world to see so I don't think he has anything to hide. Unlike you.

    Of course, you could always try contacting my employer, and see if they give a shit. Something tells me that they won't.

    Rickie/Dickie Doubleday, the hole you dig for yourself gets ever deeper. You really, badly, desperately need to be sectioned under the mental health act and locked away in a secure unit, for your own protection against yourself.

    @Dioclese – Apologies for any disruption on your blog, this was not my original intention.

    @Flaxen Saxon – I am not M, whoever that is.

  33. At least this will put an end to Longrider and his malicious intent shite, I will prove that my contact with his employer will not have any malicious intent but only to inform them of a public website which may be of interest to them and who the owner is.

    I have nothing to lose or fear from pointing someone to another website….my credibilty is at stake if I fail to deliver what I promise.


  34. If anyone was ever in any doubt about Rickie's freedom of speech shtick, then this nasty little threat is it. While he is happy to make nasty smears and troll websites, when anyone dares to fight back, he tries to shut them down. Very nice. Rickie doesn't believe in freedom of speech and his malevolence is here for all to see. Anonymous and I couldn't have illustrated it better if we had tried.

  35. And what do you think they will find, apart from someone who expresses his views? You have nothing except empty threats. Longrider's blog is out there for the world to see so I don't think he has anything to hide. Unlike you.

    My clients already know. I make no secret of it. Nothing I say is particularly controversial. If Rickie is planning to call my employer, I can expect a phone call at any time reporting my blog to, er… me…

  36. longrider….I will honour my promise of your website only to be pointed out with no bad intent whatsoever.

    However I will not tolerate further accusations from now and follow up emails will point to this thread.

    I am hoping this one time only will be enough to make you stop making false allegations against me.


  37. To be honest, I get on alright with Longrider…

  38. The doing of it is the bad intent. Idiot!

    No one has made any false allegations. And, again, nothing I can say will illustrate your malevolence and antipathy towards freedom of speech than your own words. By making these threats, you make my case for me. Well done you.

    Anyway, you haven't called me to report my blog. I've been waiting with baited breath.

  39. So do I. Jolly fine chap.

  40. You have made several allegations of blackmail/bullying/threats against me and my intention of me losing your job several times, which is probably breaking the law.

    That shit has been ignored by me for a long time and after several nice requests you still continue.

    Freedom of speech about me breaking the law with evil intention that are lies….aint going on any longer without me doing something about it.

    You can dress that up as you like Longrider ….I will not be bullied by you….you could have stopped and like all bullies they keep going until someone stands up to them.

    your time has ran out.

    I will not be phoning anyone you twat ….I will be making several emails.



  41. You have made several allegations of blackmail/bullying/threats against me and my intention of me losing your job several times, which is probably breaking the law.

    Yes, you are. Malicious communications act, part 1.

    You really don't like it when people don't play ball do you? Very good at dishing it out, but a cry-baby when anyone dares to stand up to you. As I said, typical of a bully.

    By all means send emails – you will be giving us useful contact details. I look forward to receiving them.

  42. Thee threat to out me also comes under the theft act as it is blackmail (thanks for the reminder, Bill).

  43. Rickie,

    “I can fool blog hosts with a harmless question sometimes but as soon as my follow-up views seem anti smoking they censor…”

    As is their fucking right, you ignorant, petty little shit-stirrer.

    All those Human Rights, with the capital letters, apply to GOVERNMENTS, not to private individuals or businesses!

    Nobody is obliged, be it legally, ethically, or morally, to provide you with a platform for your speechifying. Yes, you've been kicked out of a few virtual pubs by landlords who think you're a moron. THAT IS THEIR RIGHT. It's THEIR pub, THEIR gaff. THEIR RULES. You feckless little child.

    “Freedom of Speech” and “Libertarianism” do NOT fucking apply in this context!

    If someone came into *your* home and started ranting away in your living room, droning on at tedious length on a subject you couldn't care less about, would you let them stay as long as they liked?

    I am a non-smoking teetotaller, but even I think you're a blithering imbecile.

  44. Sorry Anon, the comment was not aimed at you, although I can see why you may have thought that was the case- M is an old friend.

  45. “my credibilty is at stake” As is your spelling . . .

  46. This has been pointed out on numerous occasions. Unfortunately Rickie is too stupid to comprehend it. As to why, well the temper tantrum we have witnessed here shows what people have to put up with when anyone contradicts him. He is not only a single issue obsessive, he is ignorant, malevolent and spiteful with it. So yes, people deleted and banned him.

  47. He doesn't have any credibility.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Cuntribbits!
    I missed all the drama!

    Dearest Anonymous @ 2 January 2016 at 15:16
    “No SR, the latter post is true.”

    You sir, are a dullard.
    I know it and you know it.

    I am never not bored and it is not a problem. In fact, I consider it a gift from the Caucasoid christian god.

  50. Well stop dozing off, then…