Election ’24 – Day 8

Did anything happen yesterday or did I just miss it? Oh, Ed Davey made a twat of himself falling off a paddle board…

And the Flabbopotomas saga rumbles on. Seems Diana is to be welcomed back into the fold – or maybe not. On the one hand she’s had the Labour whip restored by Starmer but seems whether she is allowed to stand as a candidate is up to the Labour NEC. Watch this space – but I’m guessing that Labour isn’t going to jeopardize that London inner city racist vote by excluding her.

And late last night came the news that the Tories are narrowing the Labour lead due to the Suntan Kid’s announcement on National Service and bribes tax breaks for pensioners greatly enthusing the grey vote. Well, this grey voter isn’t impressed. He can smell bullshit from a great distance.

Meanwhile the media and especially the BBC continue to ignore Reform UK. I don’t see why as they have the same number of MPs as the Greens and are polling higher than the Limp Dumps. Could it be just good old fashioned left wing bias? Shurely not!

It seems also that Labour are denying that they are undertaking a left wing cull while at the same time the Tories are denying a pro-Boris cull. 

What a shame we can’t have a cull on politicians, then life would be so much simpler…

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